Before You Tear Apart Your Bathroom Consider A Partial Remodel

Bathroom Remodeling Tips

Before You Tear Apart Your Bathroom Consider A Partial Remodel

Stop! Don’t Tear Apart That Bathroom!

Renovating your bathroom comes at a price, but it doesn’t have to be as big as you think. One of the best money-saving practices is a partial remodel instead of undertaking a full remodel. Here are some bathroom remodeling tips for a partial remodel:

Why You Should Consider A Partial Remodel

Partially remodeling your bathroom, or any area of your home means taking on little renovations or upgrades instead of tearing apart the entire room.

One benefit of a partial remodel is it is less expensive and allows you to do a little bit at a time instead of all at once. It is great for the indecisive homeowners since partial remodels let you take your time to figure out what you want and what you don’t.

Partial remodels also allow you to complete more DIY renovations so you can save money and have more control over your space. You can decide to take on a partial remodel by yourself and leave the rest of the remodeling up to the professionals.

Partial Bathroom Remodeling Tip #1: Refresh Your Bathtub

Refinishing and doing touch-ups instead of committing to entirely new installations in your bathroom is key to an efficient, money-saving partial remodel.

For instance, instead of completely replacing your bathtub, you could reline or refinish it. If it’s in pretty good condition and simply needs some reparations, refinishing it will make it look better and cost you way less.

A yellow, cracked bathtub can look brand new with some refinishing, but if your tub needs even less than that, consider doing a touch-up.

If the paint is peeling off or has some nicks, you can touch-up those areas instead of refinishing the entire bathtub. There are plenty of products out there that are specifically for touch-ups on your bathtub, just ask the next time you visit a home improvement store.

Instead of getting a brand new bathtub, one of our bathroom remodeling tips is to refinish the bathtub you already have.

If you do decide on a bathtub replacement, prefabricated installations are a great option and won’t break the bank. Prefabricated shower units, for example, are less expensive than tiled showers. Additionally, it’s less expensive than hiring contractors to install a brand new shower from scratch.

While new tile looks great, a prefabricated shower unit will save you money and time.

Partial Bathroom Remodeling Tip #2: Design Your Way

Another one of our bathroom remodeling tips is to design your bathroom yourself. This seems easy, but if you don’t have an eye for design, it can be challenging.

Designing your bathroom DIY-style rather than hiring a designer leaves more room for error, but it gives you more control over how your bathroom will look. It also gives you more time to decide what you want.

Hiring a designer involves deadlines for the choices about the color scheme, materials, and fabrics, so designing it yourself is less stressful. Without having to hire a designer, you’ll also have more room in the budget for other renovations.

Another one of our bathroom remodeling tips is to design your own renovations so you don’t have to break the bank.

However, sometimes, an expert’s advice is needed if you decide to relocate bathroom fixtures. Therefore, if you decide to do all the design, keep it simple.

Our team at Stone International wants to help you, no matter how much you decide to remodel. Check out the rest of our blog for more bathroom remodeling tips or give us a call if you have any questions!

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