
Granite Countertops: Why Choose Granite and the Best Options for You


Granite countertops remain the preferred choice for kitchen countertops for consumers nationwide. Granite countertops are natural, extremely durable, and available in hundreds of colors, covering virtually every design preference.

Granite is naturally resistant to stains and scratches, making it last far longer than most other countertop options. The hard stone can withstand heat up to 1200 degrees without damage. In addition, granite is nonporous, making it easier to clean than other materials used as kitchen counters; this means that spills do not simply soak into the surface like they would with other materials such as marble or laminate.

One of the most critical advantages of granite over other countertop materials is its ability to be customized for any consumer’s needs or preferences. Granite comes in a wide range of colors and patterns, so there is no shortage of choices when choosing a new kitchen countertop material.

For all of your countertop needs, Stone International, based in Miami, is the industry leader in wholesale granite countertop sales and installation. 

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Where Does Granite Come From?

Natural granite comes in a stunning array of different colors and patterns. Granite is an igneous rock, which means it is formed when molten rock cools and solidifies. As this mixture of minerals thickens, varying densities and veins form the beautiful striations and patterns desired in your home countertops.

Granite is found mainly in Texas, Massachusetts, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Georgia within the United States. However, most of the granite you see comes from huge quarries in countries such as Brazil, Italy, and China. 

How to Pick out the Right Granite Countertops

Granite comes in a wide range of colors, including neutral or natural colors, bolder tones like reds, blues, and greens, and patterns such as marbled or veined. Choosing the right countertop can be difficult because it is an important decision that will impact the value of your home; however, there are some guidelines you can follow that should make the process easier.

When choosing a granite countertop, you can either select one that matches the dominant color in your kitchen (usually the cabinets) or opt for a subtler approach by finding matching veins or streaks.

For kitchens with busy designs, solid-color granite can create a pleasing contrast; for kitchens with monochromatic or straightforward designs, striking patterns in granite will make a good choice.

If these tips don’t help, you can always count on Stone International to provide you with popular pairings that have been tried and tested throughout the years. 

Why is Granite the Best Option for Countertops?

For decades, people have been turning to granite for countertops for several reasons; check out why our experts also recommend it.

Tough & Durable

Granite is second only to diamond in terms of strength. When installed correctly, it will be the last countertop you need. If you replace it, it will be because you want to not. 

It resists chipping, scratching, and cracking. While it’s not recommended, if you occasionally set a hot pan or tray directly on the countertop, it won’t damage it the way it would laminate, wood, and other softer materials.

Easy Maintenance

Granite countertops resist staining and bacteria when sealed correctly by our Stone International experts. Cleanup is easy using soap and water or a cleaner designed for your granite. Take care of granite countertops, and you’ll enjoy a stain-free counter surface that looks new for decades.

Increase Home Value

Usually, people are disappointed if they end up with quartz, soapstone, or other man-made countertops in their homes. Granite is still the most popular countertop material because it conveys a sense of luxury to potential buyers of your home. If you ever plan to sell your home, granite countertops will immediately increase your home’s value. 

Length of Use

While you’re enjoying your countertops made from granite over the next few decades, a neighbor might replace their countertops multiple times. Granite countertops last twice as long as popular materials like quartz or soapstone in some cases. In the long run, granite countertops are a very cost-effective solution for many homeowners.

Appeal and Looks

Even with various other impressive qualities, granite countertops are renowned for their gorgeous appearance. The natural appeal of the stone, with its textured and gently-hued beauty, is unsurpassed by almost any other material.

Stone International is at Your Service

Stone International is one of the leading manufacturers and distributors of pre-fabricated granite and solid all-wood cabinets in Florida. Our company offers wholesale prices for commercial and residential projects and installation and fabrication services for all our products.

Our commitment to excellent customer service and quality products at great prices sets us apart from the competition. So give us a call today for a custom quote!

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